
Happy Runner: Jennifer R

Since the launch of NYC's new destination for running last fall the team at MHRC has met a lot of talented runners, fitness fanatics, and lovely people from all over the world. Many have embraced a daily dose of hill repeats and level 4 sprints for reasons ranging from race prep to a desire to simply find out what that infectious runner's high is all about. We've been so inspired by the stories and personal achievements MHRC customers have shared with us that we would also like to share a few with you. Whether it’s signing up for a first race, hitting a PR, or building confidence in one's stride, it's all very important to us at MHRC that you keep acheiving your goals.

Please meet our first Happy Runner to be featured on HIGHwire, Jennifer R. We hope you enjoy Jennifer's transformation and journey as much as we have.

When did you first start attending MHRC classes? What spurred you to book your first class?

I started doing MHRC this past spring after I booked for the first time through ClassPass. I loved the energy of the studio and couldn’t wait to sign up for more!

How often do you participate in MHRC classes?

I try to get to a class every day, if not twice a day if I can. (I know that’s super aggressive)

Do you have a favorite instructor?

I really enjoy Corinne’s classes. She has a great music selection - soundtrack definitely fuels me more than anything during a class, especially the Distance ones.

What do you like most about MHRC?

Τhere are so many things I love about MHRC. The best part is probably the Raspberry Ketone Chocolates at the front desk and I would say that’s 90% of the reason I come to the club so often. Just kidding… kind of. But in all seriousness, from coaches to the staff at the front desk, since my first time entering the club, everyone was SO welcoming. It’s refreshing because I find a lot of studios can be really uninviting - even to the members who take the classes - and the last thing I need when I’m gasping for air at a treadmill speed of 3.8 (that is not a typo) is to feel judged. I also love how each coach has a totally different style. For example, Michael simulates different courses - he even put out Hershey’s kisses one morning in honor of the Hershey run. Not too bad for 6 AM on a Monday morning!

What keeps you coming back?

Out of all the gyms and studios I’ve belonged to, MHRC is the one place where I’ve upheld a consistency in my workouts. Aside from the positive feedback from everyone at the club, I’ve not just increased my endurance as a runner, but I’ve also improved my technique. I’ve always been a casual runner but when I go to a class, I feel like I’m training as an athlete rather than just trying to burn calories.

How have you changed since beginning to run with MHRC?

Since joining MHRC, my workouts are more efficient. I’m keeping up with the group and following the coaches’ instructions rather than holding back at my own pace. I think this has to do with me feeling confident that I actually CAN maintain the designated speeds throughout the class and not being afraid that I’m going to burn out too early on.

On a personal level, I consider these classes a sort of therapy. It’s a place where I can come and not think about work or anything else that might be bothering me. The more I come to the classes, the better I feel and the more inspired I am to get into better shape on a physical and spiritual level.

Beyond a great workout, do you get anything else out of your time at MHRC?

I get so much more than just a workout by being a member of MHRC. I’m getting into the best shape of my life and I’m enjoying the entire process. I look forward to working out - I can’t say that many other classes would have me out of bed at 5 AM almost every day during the week.

Has your lifestyle changed?

I’m living a much healthier lifestyle. Aside from working out, I am making use of my ENTIRE day by starting with an early workout or ending it with one. It’s also made me cut back on unhealthy lifestyle choices like going out too much, especially when I have a 6 am class on Friday. While I love a good Thirsty Thursday, I enjoy beginning my Fridays with a MHRC class way too much to compromise it by having too many drinks the night before. I wish I could say I had the same mentality when it came to early morning classes in college…?

Have you gained any tools through training with MHRC?

Aside from improving my running technique through tips I’ve learned from all of the coaches, MHRC has helped train me to be more disciplined when it comes to not only just getting up and arriving at my workout when I need to, but during the class as well so that I complete the class to the best of my ability.