Kettlebell Workout

Sunday Tips from MHRC: Using the right weight for Dash28 to get the best bang for your buck!

We LOVE the versatility of the kettle bell for strength and power in our Dash28! It's not always easy to know which weight to grab after a hard run, but we're going to give you the run-down on what weight is what!

  • MHRC Noho | MHRC NoMad
  • 9lb - White | Yellow
  • 13lb - Grey | Blue
  • 18lb - Pink | Pink
  • 26lb - Blue | Dark Blue
  • 35lb - Yellow | Orange

Use this handy guide to be able to grab the right weight for your next class!

Don't be afraid to train with heavier kettlebells in order to increase your overall strength and lean muscle mass. One should be able to maintain core stability and control while using the weights. We generally recommend lighter weights for overhead & upper body movements and heavier weights for squats & lunges.

All Mile High Run Club locations proudly use KettleBell King brand kettle bells.