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RUN SPECIALTY: Half Marathon!

#1 PIECE OF ADVICE: Run your own race. Challenge yourself, yes. Explore what you're made of, yes. But in the end, make sure you are doing what's truly best for you. Sometimes it's pushing but other times it can be scaling it back.

WHY SHE LOVES RUNNING: I love running because of the different versions of myself that it has unveiled to me. I went from running for "flat abs and bigger legs" (I didn't really understand how it worked back then) to appreciating how I advanced in the sport when I truly devoted time and effort. I started with the 1.7 mile loop in Central Park wiping me out to eventually being able to do 5ks, 10ks, my treasured 13.1s and then the rare 26.2. Running has also encouraged me to explore new terrain. It has taken me to new places whether it was venturing out more in New York City or hopping on a plane to run in another state or country.

WHAT TO EXPECT IN HER CLASSES: In my class, you can expect to hear Pop, Hip Hop, R&B, Caribbean, and Afro. Basically, if you can jam to it, you will find it here :)

Each week of the month I touch upon an interval style to focus on different facets of running. Some classes will be short and fast intervals for speed; long intervals for endurance; hills, hills, hills; and some that are a balance of hills and speed scattered throughout. We build on the same style intervals each time they are revisited.